Medigap Plan N

What is Medigap Part N and how does it work?

This Medicare Supplementary Plan is offered by federal government certified private Medicare insurance companies. It covers part of your Medicare expenses so you do not have to cover expenses with money from your pocket whenever you require healthcare services.

With Medigap Part N, you pay some of the leftover amounts from your Medicare coverage, and as a result, it offers reduced premium costs while giving you access to several benefits.

medicare plan N

What is covered by Medigap Plan N?

Medigap Plan N takes care of the following healthcare costs:

  • Medicare Part A hospital and coinsurance expenses for up to an additional 365 days after exhausting Medicare benefits.
  • Medicare Part A hospice care coinsurance and copayments.
  • Medicare Part A deductibles
  • Medicare Part B copayments or coinsurances
  • The first three pints of blood during medical procedures
  • Skilled nursing healthcare facility coinsurance
  • 80% of your Foreign travel healthcare emergency coverage

However, Medigap Plan N does not cover Medicare Part B excess charges and deductibles. As a result, you may need to pay part of your doctor’s visits and emergency room visits if you are not admitted as an inpatient.

How do I get Medigap Part N coverage and when is the best time to enroll?

To be eligible for Medigap Part N or any Medicare Supplement Plan in general, you have to be enrolled in Original Medicare with Medicare Part B coverage.

Although you can enroll for Medigap coverage at any time, the best time to enroll for Medigap coverage is within the first six months right after your start receiving Medicare Part B benefits. At this time, your pre-existing health conditions and other factors will not be considered for your premiums.

To find the best Medigap premiums at the most competitive prices in the United States, connect with us and our professional Medicare insurance agent will get in touch with you to discuss the next steps.